Delectable Star Quilt – Free Pattern


Creating a Delectable Star quilt can be a fulfilling project for quilters who want to produce a stunning and intricate design. The Delectable Star quilt combines two classic quilting patterns, the Delectable Mountain and the traditional star block, creating a bold and dynamic appearance.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll take you through the process of crafting a beautiful Delectable Star quilt, including fabric cuts, measurements, and techniques to make this masterpiece.


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Materials and Fabric Preparation

Before beginning your Delectable Star quilt, you’ll need to gather all necessary materials. This project will require a selection of fabrics in different colors and shades that complement your design aesthetic. The contrast between light and dark fabrics will enhance the star effect in the finished quilt.


Begin by choosing 100% cotton quilting fabric for best results. You will need six different fabrics for the star itself and additional background fabric. For a 60” x 60” quilt, you’ll need around 2 ½ yards of background fabric and 1 yard each of six different colors for the star. Having these fabrics pre-washed and ironed will make cutting and piecing easier. It’s also a good idea to cut and organize your fabrics before starting the assembly process to avoid confusion.


Finally, make sure you have the right tools on hand, including a rotary cutter, quilting ruler, and a cutting mat. Sharp tools will ensure precise cuts, which are crucial for achieving the clean lines needed in this quilt pattern.

Cutting the Fabrics

Cutting the fabric for the Delectable Star quilt requires attention to detail. For the star blocks, you’ll be creating half-square triangles (HSTs), which form the basis of the design. Each block will measure 12 inches finished, and you’ll need to make 16 blocks in total to complete the quilt top.

To begin, cut 12-inch squares from both your background and star fabrics. Pair each square from the star fabric with a square of the background fabric. You will also need to cut additional 6-inch squares of background fabric for the Delectable Mountain portion of the design. These squares will be cut in half diagonally, resulting in two right-angle triangles for each square.

Once your squares are cut, you’ll need to create the HSTs. Lay one background square and one star square right sides together and draw a diagonal line from corner to corner. Sew a seam ¼ inch away from each side of the drawn line. Then, cut along the drawn line to yield two HST units per set.

Assembling the Half-Square Triangles

Once you’ve completed the cutting, it’s time to assemble the HSTs that will form the star points in the Delectable Star quilt pattern. Each HST unit will need to be squared up to 11 ½ inches before piecing. Squaring up ensures that all your blocks fit together seamlessly during the assembly stage.

When sewing the HSTs together, be sure to pay attention to the direction of the seams. Press seams towards the darker fabric for a clean and crisp look. Arrange the HSTs in sets of four to create a star block. Each set should have two HSTs with the dark fabric pointing inward and two with the dark fabric pointing outward. This arrangement will help form the star’s striking geometric design.

Continue this process for each of your star blocks. Once you’ve sewn together your HSTs, press the seams flat. Repeat this process for all 16 blocks to complete the star component of the quilt top. Each block should measure 12 inches square.

Making the Delectable Mountain Blocks

The Delectable Mountain portion of the quilt pattern adds a unique twist to the traditional star design. For this section, you will take the 6-inch triangles you cut earlier from the background fabric and sew them together with smaller triangles cut from your star fabrics.

Start by sewing two background triangles and two star triangles together to form a larger triangle. Once all of your triangles are sewn, arrange them around the completed star blocks in a way that creates a sawtooth-like appearance. This step will create the Delectable Mountain effect.


Make sure that your seams are aligned perfectly, and press the seams open to reduce bulk. Continue piecing the Delectable Mountain blocks around each star block until you have completed the layout. This intricate border will give your quilt a striking and bold frame.

Piecing the Quilt Top

Now that your Delectable Star blocks and Delectable Mountain blocks are complete, it’s time to piece together the quilt top. Begin by laying out your blocks in a 4×4 grid on a large flat surface or design wall. Take time to arrange the blocks in a way that distributes colors evenly throughout the quilt.

Once you’re satisfied with the layout, start piecing the blocks together, one row at a time. Sew the blocks together using a ¼-inch seam allowance, pressing seams to the side or open, depending on your preference. After completing each row, join the rows together to form the quilt top. Take care to match the seams between rows for a clean and professional finish.

After the quilt top is pieced together, give it a final press to ensure that everything is smooth and flat. At this point, you can add any borders if you desire, though the Delectable Star quilt can stand alone without additional borders.

Quilting and Finishing

The quilting process is the next step after completing the quilt top. For the Delectable Star quilt, a mix of straight-line quilting and free-motion quilting can highlight the intricate design of the stars and mountains. If you prefer a simpler approach, consider echo quilting around the star blocks to accentuate the star shapes.

Once you’ve decided on a quilting design, create a quilt sandwich by layering the quilt top, batting, and backing fabric. Secure the layers together using safety pins or basting spray. Start quilting from the center of the quilt and work your way outwards to prevent shifting.

After quilting is complete, trim any excess batting and backing fabric, and square up the quilt. Finally, prepare and attach the binding to the edges of the quilt, using either hand-sewing or machine sewing methods to finish it off.

The Delectable Star quilt is a striking and complex design that brings together the elegance of star quilt patterns and the dynamic appeal of Delectable Mountain blocks. With the right fabrics, careful cutting, and precise piecing, you can create a quilt that stands out as a beautiful statement piece. Whether you’re making it as a gift or for your own home, the Delectable Star quilt will surely be a treasured item.

Pattern here <=

As you follow this free quilt pattern and step-by-step guide, remember that patience and attention to detail are key to achieving the best results. Use the techniques outlined here, and you’ll have a stunning quilt that showcases your quilting skills. Happy quilting!
